Funy colors using olwm with VNC

Angel Martin Alganza ()
Thu, 18 Jun 1998 16:00:36 +0200

Hello every1,

I like using olwm as my window manager, but I get funy colors (not when I
use twm) with it when I use it with VNC. When I visualize it from my NT
box, the background is ligh blue instead of the normal blue it should be,
when the VNC server runs in either of both Linux and Solaris. Always
(visualizing from NT or UNIX (Linux or Solaris)) application bars, and
menues are white instead of gray and icon backgrounds are white instead of
transparent (the same color as the desktop).

Is this known already? Is it a bug? Any idea or advices on how to get the
colors to show up properly will be very much appreciated :)

Thanks a lot,

 Angel MARTIN ALGANZA Telephone: +49-(0)8157-932.410 Fax 400
 Max-Planck-Institut fuer GSM: +49-(0)172-8967.178
    Verhaltensphysiologie mailto:
 D-82319 Seewiesen talk:Angel@ UIN:5334825
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